Please Consider a Donation

We are an all-volunteer organization that fulfills our humanitarian mission only through donations, grants and community fundraising events.  Anything given to the KLCF will be applied to funding our ongoing Lions & LEO Clubs community service projects and scholarship programs, not only in Hawaii but throughout the world.  We are constantly working hard to assist those who need help, especially among our underprivileged youth.  Your donations, no matter how small, could be just enough to make a huge difference to improve the quality of life for another less fortunate!


To donate by mail, please send a check, payable to KLC Foundation, to the address listed on our contact page. Mahalo!

For more information, please contact us at…

Kamehameha Lions Club Foundation


The Kamehameha Lions Club Foundation is a licensed 501(c)3 Public Charity.  All or part of your donation can be tax deductible and we advise you to discuss your options with your tax preparer or accountant.