- New Member Primer – As a new Kamehameha Lions Club member, inquire about the Club’s Quick Start Manual. It has everything you need to know to hit the ground running.
- Brochure – Here is the club brochure that can be downloaded. Best to print this on standard copy/laser stock – white paper. Optimal color print is available on color laser.
- Member Application for download
Come — Join us!
If you’re thinking about membership opportunities in the Kamehameha Lions Club, you are most welcome to join us for dinner & fellowship at our next general meeting. Call or email to let us know you’re coming. We’d love to meet you and answer any questions you may have concerning volunteer community service and membership in one of Hawaii’s most dynamic, caring, and energetic Lions Clubs.
The 2nd Tuesday of each Month is a Combined BOD/GMM (members only)
The 4th Tuesday of each Month is a General Membership Meeting (members and guests) 6:00 PM Fellowship, 6:30 PM Meeting
Zippy’s Vineyard
59 N. Vineyard Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96817